March 18, 2011

Evolution of an Image

I won't bore you all with the specifics and technical details, but I thought I would share a before and after (and some in between) of one of my pictures.  Thanks to Will for being such a handsome little model and his mama, Fiona, for trusting me as I dragged them out into the middle of a field.  What "No Trespassing" signs?  

1. The Original - Exactly how it looks straight off my camera. 
2. The Soft Edit - Overall generic adjustments; tone, contrast, white balance, etc.
3. The Clean Edit - Local adjustments; skin smoothing, eyes brightened, various touch-ups/spot removal, etc.
4. The Final Edit - Where the story is told - every picture is different.  In this shot, I added some clouds and a fun antique texture.  I tweaked some things here and messed with some stuff there until I was happy with the result.  I imagine him to be in the Midwest, beginning of summer, itching to get on his play clothes and go find tadpoles down at the creek...