July 29, 2010

Boat Day!

We bought Emmy a new and improved life jacket!  This one is so comfortable that she's even able to crawl around in it.  Today's trip was much more successful then our last attempt at having the baby on the boat.

The girls riding up front.

Emmy helping Daddy drive the boat.  She kept getting side tracked by her reflection in the steering wheel - it was pretty entertaining.

Emmy on the swim step.  Right before this she was sitting and threw herself forward because she wanted to play in the freezing cold water.  Colin was in the water so there was no danger (calm down Grandma Carol - deep breaths) but the frigidness shocked her a bit.  Laying on her belly was a good solution; I could hold her and she could still splash.

Hanging out on the back bench on the American.

Watching the baby ducks.  She couldn't take her eyes off them.

Curiously watching me as I tried to capture the girls rope swings jumps.  (See Ellyse and Cara in the background)

Ellyse's first rope swing EVER!  She was awesome - no fear!

Cara is a seasoned veteran at this - look how high she is!

"What'd I do?"  Emmy knocked over her entire snack canister.

Heading back in after a great day!

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